Introduction to ES6+
This ES6 tutorial teaches you modern JavaScript through 23 screencasts. You'll get a systematic walk-through of the most important ES6+ features so that you can start using them in your JavaScript projects today.

119 min
Introduction to the ES6 course
Template Literals
Destructuring objects
Frontend Career Path
Destructuring Objects (Challenge)
Destructuring Arrays
Object Literal
Object Literal (Challenge)
For of Loop
For of Loop (Challenge)
Spread Operator
Spread Operator (Challenge)
Rest Operator
Arrow Functions
Default Params
Default Params (Challenge)
includes() (Challenge)
Let & Const
Import & Export
Import & Export (Challenge)
padStart() & padEnd()
padStart() & padEnd() (Challenge)
Classes (Challenge)
Trailing Commas
Challenge: Promises
Introduction: Fetch
Challenge: Fetch
Async & Await
Async & Await ( Challenge )
Sets in ES6
Why are Solo Projects important?
Solo Project (PRO) - Shade Town
What's Next
Congratulations on completing Introduction to ES6+
How to Utilize Your Certificate
Certificate of Completion