Introduction to JavaScript
This JavaScript tutorial course teaches you the world most popular programming language in the world through 33 interactive screencasts. You'll learn JavaScript's core concepts while doing coding challenges along the way.

94 min
Course Introduction
Frontend Career Path
Challenge: Variables
Const variables
Challenge: Const
Strings in JavaScript
Challenge: Strings in JavaScript
Numbers in JavaScript
Challenge: Numbers in JavaScript
Booleans in JavaScript
Challenge: Booleans in JavaScript
Arrays in JavaScript
Challenge: Arrays
Objects in JavaScript
Challenge: Objects
Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript
Challenge: Arithmetic Operators
Relational Operators in JavaScript
Challenge: Relational Operators
Increment & Decrement
Challenge: Increment
If, Else If, Else, And & Or in JavaScript
Challenge: If / else / elseif
Switch Statements in JavaScript
Challenge: Switch statements
For Loops
Challenge: For Loops
While & Do Whilein JavaScript
While / Do While Challenge
Functions in JavaScript
Challenge: Functions
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